Before I tell you about Ben, he asked for me to tell you the story about a two-legged frog first. Ben is a young man who rides a wheelchair. He likes chocolate, football, girls, and frogs.
So the frog story:
I found a two-legged frog in the creek, as a boy. That was a good day. No. It was a great day. It’s not every day you find a frog with only one set of legs.
I saw the frog leaping on a bank of clay. I chased him. He didn’t run. He wasn’t afraid. I named him Otis.
I put Otis in a shoebox lined with grass and brought him to my father.
Daddy held the frog up to the light. Otis didn’t try to leap out of his hands. He placed Otis on his workbench. Otis sat, blinking.
“You can’t keep Otis in a shoebox,” Daddy said. “It’d be a crime against nature.”
“Because, Otis is what you call a genuine miracle.”
Otis didn’t look like a genuine miracle to me. He
couldn’t jump very high. Instead, he’d slide forward, using his back legs to push himself.
Because of this, I reasoned that we should definitely let Otis sleepover, to further reflect on how he could be my pet forever.
“No,” said Daddy. “Better let him go, so more people can see a genuine miracle. That's why he was made."
I wasn’t crazy about this idea, but we let him go anyway. Otis jumped through the grass toward parts unknown. I thought that would be the last anyone ever saw of Miraculous Otis. But it wasn’t.
My friend Billy found Otis in the same creek once. So did my friend Jessie, Tony, Ricky, and Allen. Otis became genuinely famous among the fourth grade.
Anyway, now I’ll tell you a little about Ben.
When I first met him, he was riding…