Gray weather feels a lot like taking a field trip to Hell. I don’t like overcast days. Whenever the sky gets like this, I sit by a windowsill and entertain the idea of composing Russian poetry.
I love the sun. I need the sun. When it disappears, I start to miss the sun in much the same way I would miss trees, grass, or ice cream, if those things were to vanish behind clouds.
I wouldn’t want to lose those things. Just like I wouldn’t want to lose muddy creeks and rivers, or large mouth bass. Or sausages from Conecuh County, biscuits made by hand, macaroni and cheese, and barbecued ribs.
As it happens, I hold a longstanding county-fair record for eating the most consecutive ribs without being admitted into the ER. I'll show you my trophy sometime—if ever these godawful clouds go away.
I wouldn’t want to lose kids, either. If clouds covered all the kids up in the world, I'd miss them.
Especially babies.
Fat ones that wiggle when they laugh in your arms, flexing their little stomachs as they cackle, their plastic Huggies getting heavier with each laugh.
I love children. They remind me of who I truly am inside. I am not an adult. Not really. I am really just a tall kid with a mortgage. All attempts to appear otherwise are fruitless.
And since I'm giving big fat opinions, here's another: I wish pop-singers would quit dressing like giant marital aids. Don't they know kids watch them on television? Don't they know there's more to music than The Carnal Urge? Do they even know what real music is?
Consequently, why is crappy music so popular? Why are pop artists with the collective IQ of room-temperature mayonnaise famous?
I realize this is not a new problem. Idiocy has always been in fashion. Each generation in history had pop-stars and…