I am proud of Morgan Love. That is all I wanted to say today.
I wish I could tell you how proud.
As the 19-year-old young woman returns to college classes this week; as teenagers herd across campus like droves of cattle; as students all over the nation engage in the long-cherished tradition of not reading the syllabus; I just want to say how proud I am to know Morgan Love.
This young woman has been on an operating table, laid open, more times than anyone can count. She has lived out the majority of the past year in hospitals.
And yet, whenever you see her, she looks like she just discovered teeth.
Although her circumstances have been dire, she is unbelievably positive. Frighteningly positive, actually. Almost as though Morgan lives in an alternate reality than the rest of us.
Namely, because whenever she receives good news from a doctor—ANY tiny morsel of good news—she runs with it. She internalizes it. She holds it in her heart. She is an optimist of the highest degree.
As a result, the doctors are always surprised at her progress. She is constantly proving them wrong.
They said she might never walk again. A few weeks later, she got out of her wheelchair. Now, she’s jumping on trampolines, going for small hikes, and going snowsledding.
They said she might be paralyzed. She learned how to walk with a brace and eat with one hand.
They said her intestines might never digest food again. Not even liquid food. She got an ice-cream maker for Christmas.
They said she might never lead a normal life. She moved into the dorms at UAB, joined a sorority, and walks to every class.
In fact, that might be what she’s doing now. Walking to class. Maybe she’s got her phone in her hand, like all the other college kids do. Maybe she’ll read this.
If she does, I just want her to know that, admittedly, although I’m not the brightest penny in the fountain, I know an amazing person when I see one. And I see you, Morgan Love.