[dropcap]H[/dropcap]e was walking with his girlfriend, dressed in full camo, wearing a neon orange ball cap. He was the same size as me. Me times four.
“Would’ya mind taking our picture?” he asked me.
“Sure,” I said, pulling out my own phone camera.
He posed with his lady, smiling like newlyweds. It was sweet.
“Thank you sir,” he said.
“Not a problem my good man,” I answered, sliding my phone back into my pocket.
“Now, would you mind taking our picture?” I asked.
“Absolutely not brother,” he said, digging his own phone out.
I posed with Jamie as if we were two nursing home patients having a bad day. He snapped the photo with his camo-phone.
“Thank you kindly,” I said.
They walked away, continuing their barefoot stroll down the sand.
Jamie took my phone, and browsed through my saved images. There, on the screen was a picture of the large stranger in camo, with his girl, cheesing at the camera.
“Just as I thought,” Jamie looked at my phone screen, and shook her head, “Y’all forgot to trade phones.”