Dear God,
It’s me again. How have you been? How is the family? Hope you had a good holiday season and that you didn’t have to smite too many people who drove too slow in the left lane. Give Moses my best.
I know you haven’t heard from me in a while, and I’m sorry about that. I’ve been busy lately and I’ve forgotten to check in. But then, I hear you’ve been pretty busy, too.
For example, I heard about that helicopter crash in Philadelphia yesterday. The aircraft was headed to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia with an infant onboard when it crashed in the Drexel Hill neighborhood of Upper Darby.
There were four passengers inside: A nurse, an infant, a pilot, and a flight medic. The helicopter went down like a sack of rocks, and frankly, everyone should be dead. But they’re not.
All survived. All are in stable condition. The officials said it was a miracle. And even though nobody used Your name directly, I knew it was You.
And just today, I got an email about Bryson, a kid with Burkitt lymphoma, stage three. A few months ago, this cancer covered 90 percent of his body, and after four terrifying chemo rounds the kid was ready to give up.
The worst part was, the type of cancer Bryson has is so aggressive that if one cell is left after radiation treatment, the cancer could blanket him again in a matter of days. Everyone has been holding their breath.
This afternoon, that young man’s grandmother wrote to tell me that doctors believe Bryson might be going into remission. Today is Bryson’s 12th birthday, a birthday he’ll remember forever.
You did that. I know it was You.
You were also involved in the story of Noel and her husband, Chris, who live in a heavily wooded area of Stafford County, Virginia.
During the recent snowstorm, when trees were falling down, and powerlines toppled like Tinker Toys, and traffic was stalled on I-95 like a coronary blockage, Noel’s water broke and she went into labor.
The young couple tried to call for help, but no calls or texts were going through. Snow was blowing, trees were being uprooted, the electricity was out. No ambulance could reach Noel’s home because of the barricades caused by the storm.
It had all the makings of a full-scale disaster. But it wasn’t.
Noel’s mother was able to get in touch with Fairfax County Fire Department, who connected with Stafford County Fire & Rescue. First responders made it to Noel’s house on foot, climbing over fallen trees and trudging through dangerous conditions.
The medics were going to deliver Noel’s baby at home, but Noel insisted on going to the hospital. And that’s when the real miracle happened.
The first responders guided the young woman through the blizzard, through the woods, across frozen creek beds, plodding through a foot and a half of snow.
She finally reached the ambulance, and they made it to the hospital where Noel gave birth to a healthy baby Josephine.
That story has Your name written all over it.
And don’t forget about Gus Albritton, the Vietnam veteran. In the early ‘80s someone broke into Gus’s house in Brooksfield, Florida, and stole several valuables, including his three Purple Hearts.
It was a low blow. It was lower than low. After all, they don’t just give Purple Hearts out like breath mints.
Enter Jamie Bath.
Recently, Bath was at a yard sale when he saw a Purple Heart for sale. He picked up the medallion and read Gus’s engraved name on the back. So he bought the service medal, looked Gus up, and mailed the medal back to him.
When Gus opened the envelope: Niagara Falls.
“I got my Purple Heart back after 38 years,” said an emotional Gus. “You have to shed blood for your country to receive a Purple Heart and I’ve shed my share of blood for my country.”
You, You, You.
The truth is, God, You do a lot of things that You’ll never get credit for. Not just big things, but little ones. Beer is only one example.
And yet sometimes I forget to sit down and simply say thank you. I wish I could tell you that I’m going to be more diligent about this from now on, and that I’m going to say thank you more often. But I think we both know that I would be lying, because I’m the world’s most imperfect guy. Nobody knows that better than You.
So I will simply say thank you here. Thank you for understanding me, and for not beating me up for my shortcomings. Help me offer that same leeway to others.
Thanks for looking out for me when I don’t deserve it. Thanks for today. And for tomorrow. And for all the other days You’ve seen fit to give me.
Can’t wait until we hang out in person.
Tawanah Fagan Bagwell - January 13, 2022 6:51 am
Yes, God was in all those miracles! Isn’t He good! Thank you for reminding us that He lives and helps us all along in life.
Maribeth Howard - January 13, 2022 6:54 am
You said it much better than I could. So often I get busy and forget to talk to God and acknowledge His hand at work in the world about us.
C - January 13, 2022 7:08 am
This is good. Thank you Sean for your graceful words and love. He’s always with us through thick and thin, no matter what.
Naomi Smith - January 13, 2022 7:43 am
Thank you for your positive outlook on various situations around our world recently. It is easy to get lost in the negative. Thank you for the reminders.
Naomi Smith
Meredith Smith - January 13, 2022 9:44 am
Sean, That was beautiful. I need to be a better person and be thankful for other peoples’ miracles. I’m always living by the mantra of being nice, which is great ~ but I really need to pay better attention. Thanks Sean.
Leigh Amiot - January 13, 2022 9:57 am
My late MIL sometimes said, “There can never be enough prayers.” She was also a very grateful person. The two go hand-in-hand. Perfect timing for a reminder on gratitude, Sean.
Te - January 13, 2022 10:42 am
Awwww, now you’ve made the eyes leak. I been praying for healing for this diverticulitis, and He has. It’s getting better in record time.
David Grant - January 13, 2022 10:46 am
Thanks: Sean
Donna Brombacher - January 13, 2022 10:51 am
Thank you for this positive reminder that God is with us always. He truly is an Awesome God!
Audra S Isenhour - January 13, 2022 10:59 am
Oh Sean, you did it again. You reminded me that I need to hold close those wonderful gifts God gives us and actually give Him the credit. Not fate, or luck, or good timing, but God’s hand of Grace. Thanks/
Ed (Bear) - January 13, 2022 11:13 am
Amen brother
Linnea Miles - January 13, 2022 11:13 am
Thank you, Sean.
Marla E. - January 13, 2022 11:19 am
Yes indeed, thank you for this heart-warming post reminding me of His presence all around us. He knows every hair on our heads, of course He knows all happening to and around every single one of His children.
Thank you for sharing Sean of the South!
God bless you!
Ann - January 13, 2022 11:41 am
Every day should start and/or end with thanks to God, but as you say, we are all imperfect. God’s grace and love shines every day…thank you for the reminder.
leslie - January 13, 2022 11:48 am
“And all the people said Amen”. Great reminder, thank you too.
Ronnie Smith - January 13, 2022 11:49 am
You leave me laughing and crying at the same time. I used to say how lucky we were. I now know it isn’t luck, it’s God’s blessings.
Dana Blackwood - January 13, 2022 11:50 am
Suzanne Jones - January 13, 2022 11:59 am
Yes indeed! He is with us all the time. Thank you for the reminder
Steve McCaleb - January 13, 2022 12:02 pm
Thought for good while about some profound, wise comment for this wonderful post. And then it came to me…..Amen.
Ellen Hunsucker - January 13, 2022 12:06 pm
I read your blog every day and cry every day over your words. You have the gift and execute it so well! Today’s blog was extra special to me because you gave God the praise He so deserves! Keep up the good work!
Kenneth Paul Mitchell MD - January 13, 2022 12:21 pm
Say it preacher….
Nancy S - January 13, 2022 12:44 pm
Thank you, God, for the gift of writing and story telling that you gave Sean. He may not know it but he truly is a blessing to so many of us.
Elizabeth LeDuc - January 13, 2022 12:56 pm
And I know that He who began a good work in me will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. 💗🙏🏻💗 Thank you Sean.
bud mclaughlin - January 13, 2022 12:57 pm
MaryEllen Frye - January 13, 2022 1:00 pm
Thank you! This was beautiful!
Kathy Cross - January 13, 2022 1:02 pm
Tearfully read and feeling blessed.
Mary L Burns - January 13, 2022 1:13 pm
Sean, I think anyone of us could have written this letter. We all have our share of forgetting that God is written all over the things in our lives that could only be described as miracles, big and small. Thanks for the reminder that we need to stop and thank him for all that is good in our lives.
Becky Carlton - January 13, 2022 1:24 pm
I love this! We don’t testify and Praise Jim enough!
JACKIE LEON DARNELL - January 13, 2022 1:32 pm
Good stuff
Paul McCutchen - January 13, 2022 1:37 pm
Thanks Sean..Sometimes a slap in the back of the head as a reminder is what I need. I see homeless people on television and I think about what my Granddad used to say “There but by the grace of God go I”.
jill - January 13, 2022 1:45 pm
Amen Yes. You got it. God’s got us.
Peggy - January 13, 2022 1:50 pm
God is so good & always there…thank you Jesus for all you do for everyone.
Brenda - January 13, 2022 2:02 pm
Such a wonderful reminder…. Very down-to-earth examples of God’s plans and His handiwork for which we are thankful all day every day.
Pete Black - January 13, 2022 2:18 pm
Wonderful Blog!! Love reading your blogs each morning. You have a gift with words and I hope you never stop writing!
Shelton A. - January 13, 2022 2:20 pm
Sean, God is at work in the world. Out of evil things, he finds us good. Love God with all you have and love your neighbor as yourself. If we can strive to do those things, all of us, then we honor God and our neighbors. Thanks for the examples of God’s love today. Blessings and peace to all…
Debbie - January 13, 2022 2:23 pm
How wonderful to get up this morning and see this in my inbox. Thank you -and God of course.
BEX - January 13, 2022 2:31 pm
GOD knew I needed this today! I was about to slide into a one person ‘pity party’ but I read your column every day and today’s made me realize that no matter what happens, GOD is still in control! Thank you and Thank God.
Shelton A. - January 13, 2022 2:31 pm
Remember to always be thankful and grateful to God for His mercies and blessings he gives to us and to our neighbors. The spirit within us from being thankful and grateful helps us to share that with those we come in contact with in our daily lives. Paying it forward in thanksgiving for and to God’s blessings in our own lives…it’s how He would have us live. He gave us the example to follow. It’s up to us to do so. Pray that we live into God’s grace and mercy.
Peter - January 13, 2022 2:42 pm
Cathy M - January 13, 2022 3:01 pm
Today’s message was very timely. January is a hard month for many esp. after two yrs of sickness. And loss. I met with four wonderful ladies for dinner last night after our Bible study and we talked abt. The importance of prayer in our lives. I want God to know how grateful I am for all the blessings in my life. There have been too many to count. I want to ask him to be with so many people in my life who are enduring hardships. He hears our prayers and today you reminded us in such a good way. Thank you for this in January. You are a vehicle for God and we all know it. ❤️🙏🏻
Keith Gammon - January 13, 2022 3:02 pm
Perfectly expressed. Thanks!
Jewell wray - January 13, 2022 3:05 pm
Thanks Sean For your encouraging words I look forward to everyday God Bless you keep writing 🙏❤️
Mary - January 13, 2022 3:09 pm
As always Sean your words bring hope and realization of God’s constant love and care for all people. Thank and God bless
Duke - January 13, 2022 3:15 pm
Thank you for writing this Sean.
Robyn - January 13, 2022 3:16 pm
Thank you Sean and thank you God
Ruth Mitchell - January 13, 2022 3:18 pm
I’m thankful that God led me to read your blog each day. He definitely uses you to speak to sinners like me and to remind me to be thankful for his unconditional love.
Vicki - January 13, 2022 3:24 pm
wow, thanks for writing that! I thank God for you!
E M Hector - January 13, 2022 3:40 pm
Was writing my own Dear God message as the recent fires burning through Superior, Colorado took off. It is where my son, his wife and our eight-month-old grandson live. Could not bear the thought of losing all of them. We just met our grandson for the first time at Christmas.
They safely evacuated with their dog, and very few belongings, as we prayed from almost 2000 miles away.
Oh, yes, things can be replaced, but very rarely people. Surely, He had his hand over that community, and by some miracle, the apartment building where my son and family live was spared. The fire hopscotched right over their building. Yep, He is present.
Sue Adams - January 13, 2022 3:51 pm
To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Hath Done
I couldn’t help but think of this song. Thanks for poking me.
Jody - January 13, 2022 3:56 pm
Amen God is in the details.
AlaRedClayGirl - January 13, 2022 4:30 pm
As counterintuitive as it sounds, I try to thank God also for the bad stuff that happens to me because for some greater good He wanted me to go through it. I have always found that good did come from the bad even though it might have taken a couple of years to realize it. Thank you for the reminder, Sean.
Patricia Gibson - January 13, 2022 4:33 pm
Thank you God for Sean🙏🙏
Maggie Priestaf - January 13, 2022 4:34 pm
Keep telling us, Sean…
Karen Snyder - January 13, 2022 4:45 pm
Many days you cause so much reflection and self inspection…🧐❤️
Kristi - January 13, 2022 5:28 pm
Thank you God!! And thank you Sean, for being a useful vessel! 🙏
Mary Lou Griffin - January 13, 2022 5:34 pm
Good one, Sean. Nailed it. And God, thanks for Sean…and his Jamie.
Stacey Wallace - January 13, 2022 6:06 pm
God has us all by our right hand and never lets go. Thank You, Father. And thanks, Sean.
Kathy - January 13, 2022 6:34 pm
What a beautiful column. We all need to be reminded to say “thank you.”
Diane Clayton - January 13, 2022 7:20 pm
Beautiful – thank you.
Anita Smith - January 13, 2022 8:28 pm
I love this-I thank God for your gift. You touch my heart ❤️
l - January 13, 2022 8:28 pm
“Dear God’ was all I could think as I read about Bryson just now. I remember reading about Bryson a while back, and I’m so happy for the good news update. Yes, miracles. Yes, beer. And yes, forgive our mess-ups, God, as we forgive others’ mess-ups. Thank you, Sean, for sharing your letter with us, but don’t go hang out with God in person any time soon, please.
Linda Moon - January 13, 2022 8:31 pm
The above comment was not from L. Wonkistuff did that. It’s just me, joyful reader – Linda Moon.
Ellouise Pennington - January 13, 2022 8:36 pm
Now, this is a proper prayer! No unusual words that no one uses. Just you talking to God. And you didn’t ask for anything (Bama already lost, anyway!). If everyone could just talk to Him one-on-one as you have, He’d be happy and more of us would be content. You’re my hero
Dixie - January 13, 2022 8:39 pm
MAM - January 13, 2022 9:54 pm
Yes, as Cathy M said, you, Sean are a vehicle for God, and we greatly appreciate his sending you to remind us daily to thank the One who is in control!
Goedon - January 13, 2022 11:06 pm
Beautiful-simply beautiful. God is always there to hear us when we wish to speak to Him. And He touches so many lives in so many ways.
Marni McAllister - January 14, 2022 12:00 am
Thank you Sean. I read your posts each morning after my devotions & I’m so thankful that your stories are devotions themselves. I once heard a saying ” Coincidences are God’s desire to remain anonymous.” Thank you for giving the praise where it belongs. Bless you.
Wanda Dupree - January 14, 2022 2:43 am
love this letter to God. thanks
Michele - January 14, 2022 2:43 am
One of the best, ever. Thank you.
Estelle - January 14, 2022 10:00 am
On January 1st my best friend died I prayed, my prayer group prayed for her healing. It was not to be. She had been a great deal of pain. He let me have her as my friend for 40 years. I am thankful He let us be able to go and do together. I had my ear to her chest when she died. There was no heartbeat. This is not a sad story. See we had moved from a small town to a town of 30,000 people. I worked the 11to7 shift at the hospital. I was lonely. It is hard to meet people when you are up thru the nite and sleep all day. I asked God to send me a friend. In a few months I went to a ladies retreat. We met there. She was 8 years younger than me. My children were grown hers we young. The youngest was 18 months old. Yet we forged a lasting friendship. God sent her to me. I truly believe this. I was so lonely and then I had a friend. Not all prayers are answered as we would want but the greatest answer was that we were friends for 40 years. I hope to see her on the other side for I am 80 so it shouldn’t be too long.
CHARALEEN WRIGHT - January 14, 2022 4:28 pm
Keloth Anne - January 18, 2022 12:40 pm
Oh yes—-thank you God!! Wonderfully said, Sean!!!
DAVID A WILSON - January 14, 2022 6:23 pm
I would like to type words more fitting however, at this moment I can not think of them; must just type GREAT writing as usual! Please keep up the great writing and know I think GOD is also involved in all we attempt to accomplish!
Kaye stephens - January 14, 2022 7:58 pm
Great!! Saved by grace!
Lisa - January 15, 2022 1:59 am
This is one of your best. Loved it! A great reminder that God cares about the little details as much as the big one.
Dorothy Ezell - January 16, 2022 3:08 pm
Oh Sean I love you!! Thank you for your beautiful spirit.
Mark 3:26 - January 27, 2022 2:28 pm
We are all “like little children.” God forgive us our tantrums.