Dear You, Whoever You Are

You’re going through something right now. Something bad. Something truly, inexplicably, wholly, and everlastingly crappy. 

I don’t know what it is. But it’s ugly. And it’s getting the best of you.

Someone you love betrayed you. Someone you trusted let you down. Your body is sick. Maybe a loved one is dying. Maybe you got some bad news.  

It doesn’t matter what your experience. What matters is, I’m thinking about you. And as I am writing these feeble words, holding you in my heart, although I can’t see your face, I can imagine you. 

Somehow, I almost feel a teensy bit of what you’re feeling. The pain. The heavy load. The agony in your breast. 

Namely, because my own life has undergone episodes of grief. And whenever one endures grief—true grief—it rewires one’s brain. 

Suffering sort of initiates you into a secret club you never knew existed. A club of hurting people. And you start noticing things you never noticed before. 

You walk through Walmart and notice the bald woman with the oxygen canister. You recognize the single dad, pushing his buggy quietly through the aisles, looking like he’s about to have a nervous breakdown. 

You see the weathered woman standing in the median, holding a cardboard sign reading: “Anything Helpz.” And you actually SEE her.

You might not have seen these people before. But now you do. You’re feeling what they feel. Because you are them. They are you. And this new togetherness you feel with strangers, this is not a bad thing.  

So, I have no advice. No wisdom. No clichéd unoriginal, motivational meme to get you through your hard time.

I’m not a smart guy. And even if I were , you can’t trust smart people. Even smart people can be about as clueless as a one-legged cat in a litterbox. 

Even so, I know one thing. And this is the only thing I know of life. 

Love will get you through this—whatever you’re suffering. Love you don’t see coming. Achingly true love. Love so rich and pure you can’t even understand it. You won’t know where it comes from. Or why. 

Don’t worry about searching for this love. You won’t have to. Don’t worry about saying any magic words, this isn’t about words. This love will find you in spite of yourself. In fact, it already has.

So pay attention today. Look for it. You’ll see it. You’ll feel it. It will find you the exact moment you need it. Let it change you. Let it heal your battered, bleeding heart.

And someday soon, you’ll be the one writing this.

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