Joy. That’s what it was. Pure joy. If you’ve never seen a newborn panda, you’re going to want to pause right here and look at some internet pictures. That way you’ll understand the level of cuteness we’re talking about.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

See? Wasn’t that precious? Weren’t you just overloaded with nuclear cuteness?

Baby pandas are nothing but hundred-proof happiness. They are born blind, pink, fragile, and very uncoordinated.

And if you were to look at these panda internet pictures with my wife, chances are she would have elbowed you in the ribs and declared, “We’re adopting a panda.”

My wife cannot look at internet animal pictures without announcing plans to adopt. Even though we share our house with two dogs that resemble Anheuser Busch draft horses, lately she has threatened to adopt a pig, a three-legged goat, a baby badger, an elderly ferret, an albino squirrel, and a blind Burmese python.

It will be a cold day in purgatory before a python enters this house.

The Smithsonian National Zoo’s baby panda is still unnamed, but he is a cute little guy. And now the zoo’s panda team has obtained genetic proof that the cub actually IS a guy—it’s not easy to tell the gender of a panda who is about the size of a stick of butter.

Anyway, I first learned about the panda pregnancy from my friend Jon, who has three daughters that are all completely obsessed with the panda.

“Yeah,” Jon remarks, “we don’t go a day at my house without panda videos.” Jon says this with no emotion in his voice.

So it wasn’t long before I was tuning in to the Panda-cam. Each morning, I would awake, open my laptop, and check on the live feed showing the pregnant panda, Mei Xiang.

The panda team at the zoo placed cameras in Mei’s pen for a 24-hour Panda Fest. At first, the team wasn’t sure many people would care much about a pregnant panda, especially in light of COVID headlines. But, boy, did people care.

The zoo’s website had an increase in viewers by 1200%. When Mei went into labor, online visitors nearly broke the computer system. Half the world was tuning in to watch.

And I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ll tell you why I was watching. Because this has been a lousy year. The joyless headlines never seem to change. Sometimes it feels like all that’s missing from our anxious pandemic-ridden world is Rod Seriling serving as our narrator.

Day after day you see the same bold print on TV, the same bummer news in the paper. Mortality rates, infection statistics, and tales of the dying.

Certainly, I know the world is in trouble, but isn’t there any good stuff going on in the universe?

The answer is yes. And it’s happening at the national zoo. Everyone at the zoo is so giddy about the panda that it’s like Woodstock over there.

“Something like this is kind of a miracle for us,” zoo director Steve Monfort said. “It lifts the spirits of my team and the whole world.”

Part of the excitement is because Mei Xiang’s pregnancy has been a crapshoot from the get-go.

For one thing, it’s not easy for a female panda to get pregnant. She is only fertile once per year for a window of 24 to 72 hours. Also, Mei Xiang is 22 years old, and in panda years that’s the same as being Ethel Merman.

Reproductive scientists artificially inseminated Mei, but it was still anybody’s game. No zoo in the U.S. had ever successfully artificially inseminated a panda.

And even if the attempt DID work, thereby making Mei the world’s second oldest panda to give birth, the survival rate of panda babies is very low. So there were lots of risks.

Now can you see why everyone was so stoked?

By late July it was clear that Mei was definitely pregnant. The animal care team knew this from the way the large mammal kept showing an unnatural fascination with tiny baby shoes from the Walmart clearance section.

By mid-August, the ultrasound showed a fetus, a tiny skeletal structure, and strong blood flow.

Thus, while a pandemic raged, riots and protests boiled, and scandals abounded, people like me found immense joy keeping up with the life and times of a giant panda.

The big event happened one fateful morning in August. It was 6:35 a.m. I had just gotten out of bed. I was making coffee. My friend’s daughter texted: “Quick! Panda-cam! Now!”

Internet viewers started tuning in by the bajillions.

Mei wasn’t making any big movements on camera, but you could just tell she was uncomfortable. And she was making weird sounds that sounded, well… Not pleasant.

Tensions were high. This was not Mei’s first pregnancy. She has been through a few births, and she’s no summer chickadee. Mei’s older body was feeling every twitch of pain.

And finally, it happened. After a struggle, Mei Xiang gave birth to a beautiful, screaming, loud, extremely upset stick of butter. The pale baby emerged and the whole world waited to see if the cub was alive or not. The wait seemed like eternity.

Then Mei cradled her cub and everyone applauded. Across the U.S., hundreds of thousands cheered in the privacy of their own homes. A few of us even shed tears. Some of our wives even remarked, “I want to adopt a freaking panda.”

An emotional zoo director said, “With the birth of this precious cub we are thrilled to offer the world a much-needed moment of pure joy.”

Pure joy. That’s exactly what it was.

And it’s been a long time since we’ve had any.


  1. Jean - October 8, 2020 10:40 am

    I used to watch the San Diego zoo panda cam….Many early morning hours spent watching the little bugger. Nothing is sweeter than baby pandas. I think all of the San Diego zoo pandas have been returned to China…and its very sad. Glad we still have some.

  2. Deborah Gandy - October 8, 2020 11:00 am

    “like Woodstock” love it😍and since I haven’t followed this panda story, I especially enjoyed it. Thank you!!

  3. Jane Elder - October 8, 2020 11:10 am

    Good news. Thanks.

  4. MR Russell - October 8, 2020 12:00 pm

    Thanks, Sean, for giving us five minutes of reprieve from the twilight zone that we are living in these days. And teaching us things about Pandas we didn’t know. I’m headed over now on the internet to watch panda videos!

  5. Neil Joiner - October 8, 2020 12:40 pm

    If you adopt a baby panda, you need to definitely say no to the Burmese Python.

  6. nebraskannie - October 8, 2020 1:05 pm

    I love the Rod Serling comment! Last week we took a little guy to the zoo and got to see a baby gorilla. It was just thing thing! We need to be reminded of all the good in the world, often now!!! Thanks so much!

  7. Beryl - October 8, 2020 1:22 pm

    ‘…that’s the same as being Ethel Merman.” Oh Sean, you made me laugh out load. There are two reasons for this early morning guffaw. One, I’m old enough to know who Ethel Merman is and two, it’s just a damn funny comparison. Thank you for reminding us all that there is far more JOY in this world than sorrow. I used to tell my students at the end of class, “You are free to wander about the Universe. Look up, you might see something!” Right on cue, there is a beautiful Anna’s Hummingbird at the feeder.

  8. Amanda - October 8, 2020 2:03 pm

    Good! Even while they sleep, the pandas are marvelous!

  9. Janet C Averett - October 8, 2020 2:22 pm


  10. Linda Moon - October 8, 2020 4:22 pm

    Pandas are good choices for curing lousy. Visuals of Ethel Merman helped cure some for me just now. I’ll pull up some Panda and Merman on the internet after I finish reading this post. You are right, Sean, it’s been way too long since pure joy. So, what can we readers, fans, followers — all 69,173 of us– do to bring some joy to you and your wife? Just let us know and we’ll do our best to get it to you soon!

  11. Tina Gaskin - October 8, 2020 4:51 pm


  12. Diane W. Bailey - October 8, 2020 8:17 pm

    It is pure joy. Makes me want to plant a eucalyptus tree, you know, just incase I succumb to Panda Fever.

  13. cronkitesue - October 8, 2020 11:13 pm

    We’ve been needing that moment of pure joy. Thanks for the delightful reminder.

  14. Jill Roh - October 9, 2020 12:22 pm

    Love your column and you are right we all need a moment of pure joy. But look around and see every birth is a moment of pure joy and they happen every day. Don’t get bogged down in the unhappiness of the world. If you are open to it you can see small miracles every day and know there is still joy in the world!

  15. Sharon Brock - December 8, 2020 3:54 pm

    You are talking to somebody who once took a halfday at work and stayed to watch the birth of a baby giraffe on the computer. I love babies. All babies. Thanks Sean.

  16. CHARALEEN WRIGHT - June 25, 2021 1:10 pm


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