My Last Hair-Well

In a few days we will be moving 260 miles north to Birmingham, Alabama. So I got my last Florida haircut.

I’m picky about who cuts my hair. There is nothing as traumatic as a bad haircut, and I’ve had some doozies.

As a kid my mother believed in saving money so she cut my hair at home using Briggs & Stratton clippers that predated the Second World War. She had two basic hairstyles in her repertoire. The “Marine,” and the “Uncle Fester.”

My yearbook pictures are unbearable to look at.

When I got older, I let my red hair grow longer since my hair had natural wave. At the time, I believed I looked debonair, but years later I realized that I looked more like Danny Partridge.

And there was the time before college graduation when I wanted to get my shabby hair cleaned up before the ceremony. So I went to a hairstylist that was recommended to me by a friend. The stylist’s name was—I’ll never forget this—Trixie.

Trixie’s one-woman salon was in the back bedroom of a dilapidated doublewide trailer parked by the interstate cutoff. There was mildew on her ceiling, cigarette butts in old coffee mugs, and Trixie had a deep affection for gin.

When my haircut was finished, she spun me around to face the mirror and I looked like Billy Ray Cyrus after a very long night. The woman had given me a world-class mullet. I was horrified.

The next evening, at graduation, I accepted my college diploma before 900 people while sporting an Achy Breaky Big Mistakey. That year, my graduating classmates voted me most likely to own a Pontiac Firebird.

I bring all this up to say that when you find a good hairstylist/barber/beautician, you must hold onto this person with both claws because they are a precious gem.

My longtime hairstylist used to be a lady named Blanca. Blanca was from Mexico City, she was 4 foot 9 inches tall, and had a wandering eye. I was initially worried that Blanca’s eyesight might interfere with her scissor work, but she assured me by saying, “Hey, no worries!”

This phrase, I would come to learn, was the only English phrase Blanca knew. “Blanca,” you could say, “Your car’s on fire.” “HEY, NO WORRIES!” she’d answer.

But Blanca gave the best haircuts. They were flawless. I went to Blanca for years, and over time she learned many other essential English phrases such as, “It’s all good in the neighborhood,” “Supersize me, bro,” and “You call this a tip?”

But then Blanca left town, and I was adrift again. I went through a dark period, looking everywhere for a new stylist. I traveled great distances to get my hair trimmed by old-timey barbers recommended by my uncle’s elderly pals.

These were geriatric tonsorial artists whose Social Security numbers were in the single digits. Whenever I would walk into these barbershops, the old men would take one look at me and say, “Well, well, look what the hippie dragged in.”

I would enter with a full beard and thick head of hair; I would leave looking like the spokesperson for Brylcreem.

But then I found Wendy.

I found Wendy by pure chance in Santa Rosa Beach. She worked at a little salon next to my local Publix.

One day I walked into her shop on my lunch break and she fit me into her schedule.

Wendy moved around my head carefully, methodically, working with her scissors the way some work in oils or clay. She is a nothing short of master.

We hit it off. She was a single mother who had raised her kids. We talked about her grandbabies, about life, we talked about our favorite books. We became friends.

Over the years, I’ve visited her to get gussied up for countless weddings, funerals, speaking engagements, and special occasions. I visited Wendy during the pandemic, when nobody was getting haircuts. I visited her the morning after my mother-in-law passed away. I visited her for a trim before I gave a speech for the Alabama governor.

She was always cheerful. Always happy. Always upbeat. Even when I’m sure she didn’t feel like being chipper, she put on her matinee-idol smile and made me feel like I mattered.

This afternoon I sat in her chair one final time.

I told her I was moving to Birmingham.

She stopped clipping.

We were quiet for a few moments.

“Gosh,” she said. “I’m so proud of you.”

And I don’t know why, but my eyes became watery.

Because, you see, this somehow made it all real. I’m actually leaving home. As a young man, I couldn’t wait to get out of this two-point-five-horse town. But somewhere along the way I got older and softer. And, well, just look at me now. There I was crying in a salon like a cast member in a Sally Field-Dolly Parton movie.

Wendy and I wished each other well. I left. And just like that I was gone.

Soon, I will be gone from this zip code. Gone from this state. In mere days, a brand new episode of my life will begin. And in a small way, my wife and I will become new people. We will make new friends. We will form new routines. New habits.

Even so. If Wendy is reading this, I hope she knows that 260 miles is not too far for me to travel for haircuts.


  1. Sondra Lynch - February 24, 2022 6:39 am

    Love you, Sean. I am a Central Floridian (Ponce Inlet, before the McMansions) and now a proud member of Bay County. I live in a 6×8 cargo trailer with my wonderful husband and two rescue rabbits. I am a waitress, we’re not anywhere near monetarily safe…and I couldn’t be happier. Wishing you all the best in ‘Bama. It’s a nice place. It’s hard to leave FL… but we’ll be here…♥️

  2. Jeannie Schweck - February 24, 2022 7:46 am

    My daughter lives in England and will ONLY let her one and only hairdresser in Snellville, Georgia cut her hair. She usually makes it over to Opelika to see us, her parents, every 6 months and heads right on up to Snellville to get her hair cut and colored by Teresa. With the pandemic it was 2 years before she got to come, yet she waited until she could get back over to the States to see Teresa. I feel sure that somewhere in all of London there is someone who could cut and color her hair as good as Teresa. But after the first hairdresser she tried over there, she vowed to never, ever let someone over there cut her hair again. Long Live Teresa!!

  3. oldlibrariansshelf - February 24, 2022 10:06 am

    Good stylists ARE artists and good ones are hard to find. I’m glad you and Wendy found each other, and I pray you find your next stylist friend soon!

  4. Ed (Bear) - February 24, 2022 10:08 am

    Thank you for your blog! Your writings are a fun part of my daily startup routine!

  5. Cynthia Harmon - February 24, 2022 10:27 am

    My daughter in Salt Lake gets her teeth cleaned when she comes home to Huntsville, AL. She says that only the hygienist and dentist she’s had since 3 will put their hands in her mouth.

  6. imcdbw - February 24, 2022 10:34 am

    It’s harder to find a good stylist than a good doctor. I’ve had to find new ones when we’ve moved. As you mentioned, talent and skill are essential. But a good stylist listens to you and cares as well. Invaluable! Moving is hard on the heart as well as the back.

    • Carol from GA - February 24, 2022 11:07 am

      Sean…. I too was the recipient of a mullet hair cut but what made it worse was that I was 9 months pregnant! For some reason the lady kept trying to “fix it” by cutting the top shorter and shorter?! When your family members look up and recoil and then have the “Bless Your Heart” look…. you know it’s bad! I’ve had the same wonderful stylist now for 25 yrs and we have a pac…no one is leaving without the other! Good luck on your hair journey and hopefully no mullets are in your future!

  7. Marcia MacLean - February 24, 2022 11:56 am

    I totally understand your connection with Wendy. I think of my Michelle as a wonderful therapist who happens to be a good hair stylist too. I’m looking forward to hearing about your new adventures when you perform in Bay County, FL on March 31st (www.

  8. Joy Jacobs - February 24, 2022 12:16 pm

    I know how you feel. At my age (70) I just hope I’ll go first. My advice: find someone younger than yourself and don’t ever move again.

  9. Scott Hilliker - February 24, 2022 12:26 pm

    I’m still not sure WHY you are moving.

  10. CiCi - February 24, 2022 12:47 pm

    I completely get it. I live outside Atlanta and my stylist lives in Naples, Florida! 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️

    • bj - February 24, 2022 2:46 pm

      I totally get it…….would rather change doctors, lawyers, dentists……! I’ve lived in Birmingham 36 years and am now going to only my 3rd hairdresser…….who is wonderful…..would totally recommend her!! Hope you and Jamie enjoy Birmingham. We are Texans and have lived several places but love it here.

  11. Paul McCutchen - February 24, 2022 12:50 pm

    Jamie has her castle, not her mom’s, but hers, so you can “suck it up buttercup” and in her kingdom you will find another barber. It may take you a few years but you will find one. I have been here for over 20 and found one a year or so ago before the pandemic closed everyone down and she moved so I am still looking. I am considering the “Uncle Fester” but my wife said no, so I am looking again. I just want to walk in the house and my wife doesn’t look down and shake her head.

  12. Cindy Grantham - February 24, 2022 1:11 pm

    Oh, how I empathize, Sean. We moved 2 hours from Opelika to the suburbs of Atlanta. (What were we thinking??) For a full year I faithfully made the trip back to Opelika every 5 weeks to let Jamie perform a miracle on my crazy, half curly, fast-growing hair. In October I took the plunge and saw Tanya, a stylist (only 45 minutes away!) recommended by my mother’s friend. Pretty sure this was going to be a big mistake, but left her salon with a GREAT haircut and feeling snazzy! I was thrilled! When making an appointment to return in 5 weeks Tanya told me she would be having surgery in a couple of weeks. She suggested Bill, a co-worker she had worked with since she was a teenager and “had taught her everything she knew”. Hmmmm, not so sure about 75 year old Bill’s expertise, I made an appointment with another recommended stylist only 15 minutes away! Big mistake! Five weeks later after that disaster while sitting in Bill’s chair, he sadly told me Tanya had passed that very day. Honestly, I felt like a life-long friend had died. It’s not easy finding someone who had taught your new BFF everything she knew….I’ll be sticking with Bill for awhile….I hope a long while.

  13. Lois - February 24, 2022 1:15 pm

    A good hair stylist is a gift from God! A collection of barbers butchered my husband’s hair until one day I dragged him, kicking and screaming to my hair salon. He now loves my Suzie, too, and we always leave looking great with styles we can manage until our next appointments!

  14. Joel Penner - February 24, 2022 1:17 pm

    I hear you man!! I’ve also endured many terrible haircuts! Nineteen years ago I went yet another new hair stylist. I could tell before she was finished that things were not going well for her. When she was done she looked at me like she didn’t know whether to leave the country or cry. When I reached to my wallet for money she said she would not let me pay for the mess she had made!! I told her in that case I’ll be back and you can have another shot at it. Nineteen years ago! Need I say more?

  15. James Nearen - February 24, 2022 1:26 pm

    I was born and raised in Alabama. There are many interesting and beautiful places to live in this state. Birmingham, however, isn’t one of them. But we are proud to have you join our citizenry. I recommend you discover Smith lake a bit further North or Martin to the East. And, Birmingham’s one redeeming asset, Barber Motosports race track and motorcycle museum. Both world class venues. Welcome home.

  16. Tammy S. - February 24, 2022 1:31 pm

    This! Alllll of this! Truth! Took me forever to find Danielle to replace Lavonda after we moved from TN to NC. I use to go home to see my parents, a 9hr drive, with minimal stops, and I would schedule my hair appointments when I would go home. One day Lavonda told me, you have got to find someone. Took a while, but I found her. About every other appointment we have lunch and talk kids, my grandson, what amazing husbands we have and all things God’s Word and Jesus. How does a girl get so blessed to have had two amazing stylists in a lifetime!! Praying you find your new “Wendy.” And praying for you & Jamie as you settle in to your new home. Alabama is gonna love you guys!

  17. Nan Williams - February 24, 2022 1:34 pm

    Almost 3 years ago I moved from a lifetime in Anniston (Alabama) to Chattanooga at age 77. I was concerned about finding a hairdresser, but figured there would be lots of very able hairdressers in the Big City. I’ve tried at least a dozen. They either do “straight and droopy” or “funky and cutesy” for mature women. Is there anyone here who does “classic and stylish?” Apparently not. I even had my hairdresser in Anniston take detailed photos of my “classic and stylish” hairdo to show what I want. I also had her tell me the words I needed to use to explain what I wanted and I wrote them down, reading them to potential stylists while showing the photos.

    Consequently, after almost 3 years and a dozen (or more) tries here, I drive 300 miles (round trip) to Anniston every month to get my hair cut. I hope you find someone in Birmingham. There are many fine stylists there. I’m excited for your move and hope that your dream comes true there!

  18. beckyatbecky - February 24, 2022 1:42 pm

    I live in Birmingham and have had the same man cut and style my hair for over 30 years. And yes our visits are like therapy. Yes I’ll share.

  19. Jan - February 24, 2022 1:50 pm

    You are so right … it is difficult to find a hair stylist who speaks the same “language” so you can actually communicate. Birmingham is a big place when you add in all the suburbs. I live in one of them so I can testify that there will be many options. I believe you will find someone who can understand what you have in mind. We are looking forward to welcoming you and Jamie to the “neighborhood”!

  20. David P B Feder - February 24, 2022 1:54 pm

    Timely! I read this two days after my first haircut in my new home 1200 miles away from the guy who tamed my untamable mane for years. If I was rich, I’d fly him in every 6 weeks. But I’m not so I can’t. The verdict on the new stylist? She did OK enough — not stellar– that I’ll let her have another go at it in 6 weeks. Over time you will likely get few haircuts from Wendy and will find someone local. But just think of all the stories you will get out that person! Stories you never would hav heard otherwise. Just be sure to send Wendy a nice Christmas gift each year.

  21. Joyce Anders - February 24, 2022 1:55 pm

    God bless you and Jamie as you make this huge transition in your lives!

  22. Shelton A. - February 24, 2022 1:58 pm

    A friend recommended Jamie to me. She also cut my hair before and during the pandemic. We both wore a mask but I could see the twinkle in her eyes. She is a gem. I’ll go to her until either I can’t make it or she closes up. I’d drive across Jacksonville now and that can take 30-45 minutes. May you find someone as good as Wendy before you grow your own mullet. God bless you and Jamie, plus the 4-footed kids.

  23. claudia coburn - February 24, 2022 1:58 pm

    Spoken as a hairdresser who has clients like you, I so appreciate you writing this! I get it, your relationship with Wendy – I have many similar relationships that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

  24. Ginger Smith - February 24, 2022 2:06 pm

    I still go back home to get my hair cut, now just once a year or so. Three hours isn’t too far. Hairdresser Susan is wonderful! You’ll head back sooner or later and stay with friends or family. Mostly interstate, as I recall. Or backroads, when you can. Even Castleberry is safe to drive through, now! Write about it!

  25. Gayle Wilson - February 24, 2022 2:26 pm

    Sean, I wish you and Jamie all the best. I love your stories about life and how it affects us with humor and with a few serious moments mixed in.

  26. Nell Tait Richardson - February 24, 2022 2:32 pm

    May I recommend Chuck Duck at Salon U in Homewood?

  27. Clara Martin - February 24, 2022 2:41 pm

    Sean, You are absolutely right! Many years ago I lived in Richmond, VA and then moved to Norfolk,VA. For the two years I lived in Norfolk I would drive to Richmond for a haircut. It never bothered me one bit! You stay with those who take care of you. . . When I moved to Georgia though, I had to find someone new! Best of luck to you and Jamie on this new adventure of moving ahead.

  28. cm - February 24, 2022 2:50 pm

    Enjoyed so much! You may have to kiss a lot of toads but you will find the one.

  29. Robin George - February 24, 2022 3:16 pm

    Well, welcome to Birmingham Sean. Santa Rosa is a hard place to leave though.

  30. Lorene - February 24, 2022 3:20 pm

    Congratulations, Sean, in taking the relo step. In the last 20 years I’ve lived in six different states. That’s a lot of different hair stylists I’ve had to “train”. My hair is very fine and I have a cowlick in the back bigger than your average cow could even lick. But, for whatever reason, I’ve always been able to intuitively find the right person by simply walking in to a salon that has a “walk-ins welcome” sign in the window and ask, “who in here can do point cuts?”. Remember, it will always grow back out and you can start over again. Oh, and have plenty of hats and caps hanging on the pegs on the wall next to the door. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the challenge of the move and think of all the stories it will conjure up and you’ll be writing about for years. Opportunity knocks!

  31. gaffstergal - February 24, 2022 3:23 pm

    How I love and identify with this!! We’re in a new town, and it’s taken me 8 years to find a good haircut, and lawsy, am I hanging on to this lady!!! Thankfully, she’s young, and I’m old, so maybe I’m fixed to things to come…like an upcoming 60th wedding anniversary with all our family, a very rare occurrence!!

  32. Nell Thomas - February 24, 2022 3:33 pm

    Keep in touch with Wendy. Sounds like she would be a keeper.

  33. Anne Arthur - February 24, 2022 3:34 pm

    I totally get it. Leaving town and country is one thing but leaving one’s hairdresser is a nightmare. Wishing you another nice Wendy in Alabama.

  34. Anthony Allen - February 24, 2022 3:40 pm

    ISean, I’m 71yr old male,my mama cut my hair til I was 40 ur old, I moved to bham, now my mam had set the standard, it had to be cut like she cut it, found a gal in Homewood, then moved to Gadsden, probably the closest to mama it could get, she was fantastic, then moved to Fairhope Al and it was a disaster, could fine no one, would drive back to Gadsden!! Then we moved to Jasper AL, and I found Donna, redhead older lady who listened to what I said, I been here 19years, she cut my hair 18 but had a stroke about year ago, now Cathy cuts it and I’m too old to care, it looks good, and I’m happy, so I get your anxiety, wish I knew someone but ur be find.

  35. Ruth Mitchell - February 24, 2022 3:48 pm

    Maybe you could try Tina at Hair Bella in Birmingham. She may be able to tell you a story of a real Cinderella.

  36. Sue Adams - February 24, 2022 4:03 pm

    And for some reason, reading this made my eyes get watery.

  37. Nita Grinstead - February 24, 2022 4:19 pm

    The first time my husband went to get his hair cut, when we were in Germany for a couple years, he came home without a cut. He said he sat there for a few minutes and watched a couple guys get “white wall” haircuts and didn’t know how to tell them what he wanted so he left. Came home and told me I was going to cut his hair – which I did for the rest of his life!

  38. Tom Wallin - February 24, 2022 4:20 pm

    Sean, I live down the road from you and we will miss having you in the hood. We will stay in touch through your columns like you were still here. I wish you best with the move and hope you and Jaime will be very happy even though you will be away from the bay. Come back and visit us often,. You are always welcome. Your friend.

  39. Stacey Wallace - February 24, 2022 4:30 pm

    Sean, I’m proud of you, too. I wish you would send out a P.O. Box address when you officially move to Sweet Home Alabama so that I could write you. Emails are impersonal; snail mail means you care. Love to you and Jamie.

    • Russell Moulton - February 25, 2022 12:22 am

      So right Stacey.. letters mean more

  40. Sean of the South: My Last Hair-Well | The Trussville Tribune - February 24, 2022 4:30 pm

    […] By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South […]

  41. CHARALEEN WRIGHT - February 24, 2022 4:49 pm

  42. Ann G. Perry - February 24, 2022 5:00 pm

    I hope with all my heart that you come to love Birmingham Sean. I must tell you this: I have umpteen cousins, all dear to me, who live in Florida. My grandparents lived in Florida for a time – a couple of times. My grandfather was a dairyman. Most of their eight adult children lived in Alabama, as did my parents, their fourth son. From time to time, several of my cousins relocated to The Birmingham area. We were always delighted to have them nearby. Alas, each one would stay a few years, only to eventually proclaim to the family at large that they missed Florida and were “moving back home.” Happened every time! I sincerely hope you and your sweet wife come to love Birmingham. If you don’t, I’ll understand!

  43. Tim Peace - February 24, 2022 5:06 pm

    So much for our plans to look you and Jamie up and buy your dinner in April when we go to Sandestin. 🙁

    God speed, buddy!

  44. Patricia Gibson - February 24, 2022 5:53 pm

    Best of luck Sean

  45. Jane - February 24, 2022 6:05 pm

    I cut my husband’s hair. He cuts mine. No problem.

  46. Margaret Jackson - February 24, 2022 6:13 pm

    Oh, so true! When my husband’s barber retired, many, many years ago, he went thru agony trying to find someone to cut his hair.
    He finally found a traditional barber about 30 miles from us. So happy for many years.
    But Steve had bypass surgery near the end of last year, and now Mike is trying to find someone to fill, hoping Steve will not retire yet.
    His last haircut was a doozey! I got advice from my stylist when I got my haircut the othr day, and she gave me a couple of possibilities.
    I sure hope you and Jamie find a good stylist when you get to Birningham!!!

  47. Jarry Taylor - February 24, 2022 6:21 pm

    For haircuts here in Birmingham, give Maurice Langley a try. He’s not cheap, but he’s great, and a wonderful conversationalist!

  48. Susan Mitchell - February 24, 2022 6:36 pm

    Sean we just moved from Atlanta to Fairhope and believe it or not I have gone back for haircuts several times!! It’s so hard to change, hope you find the right fit!

    • Anne - February 28, 2022 1:25 am

      Susan, we made the same move over 4 years ago, and I’m still looking…shouldn’t be this difficult!

  49. Juli Gilson - February 24, 2022 8:25 pm

    I read this as my husband traveled 90 miles yesterday to get his hair cut by Debbie who has cut his hair for 35 years. Recently retired and having moved away, he was so excited that he arrived a day early! Best of luck on your new adventure. The world awaits to be seen thru your eyes. I can’t wait to read about it!

  50. Linda Moon - February 24, 2022 8:56 pm

    I figured that’s where this title was going but didn’t expect to read about your haircut so quickly here. Redheads have a special place in my world, with lots of them in the family. Selfishly, I suppose, I’m glad you’ll be getting haircuts in your new place. I travel to the next county to get my haircuts, but I hope you find one much closer to home in Birmingham for yours. Keep in touch with Wendy, then send some pictures and show off your new cut when you get one that works for that red hair. And, I can’t wait to read about your new episode!

  51. Jeff Webb - February 24, 2022 9:03 pm

    When you find a good hair stylist…keep her or him. They are on the endangered species lists. Relocate her to Birmingham, or….as you say, 260 miles is not too far.

  52. Becky - February 24, 2022 9:16 pm

    What a sweet sweet guy!

  53. MAM - February 24, 2022 10:22 pm

    We moved here almost 23 years ago. A hairstylist was recommended to me by one of my new neighbors. I went to her, has a very successful haircut that grew out well and almost 23 years later she’s still my hairstylist. Although the last couple of times, she cut it a bit short, so I’m waiting longer between cuts and hoping tom get it back to about what it used to be. We’ll see. But hair always grows and her cuts usually grow out gracefully, so… Good luck in your search!

  54. Russell Moulton - February 25, 2022 12:19 am

    Lisa Sportsclips Vestavia period

  55. Cynthia Russell - February 25, 2022 4:23 am

    You are so right.. I flew from Denver, Colorado to Mobile Alabama to get a haircut… Now I drive from Slidell, La. thru the state of Mississippi to Mobile to get the same Hair Wizard Woman to cut my hair..

  56. Rhonda - February 25, 2022 7:32 am

    Best of luck to you both……May the wind be always at your back. May the good Lord rest and keep you.

  57. Linda Willson - February 25, 2022 8:25 am

    I’ve been selling Real Estate agent here in Lexington, KY for 32 years so I’m very sympathetic of what you are going thru Sean. I ride this emotional roller coaster with my clients week in and week out…It is indeed a small world as some of my long time clients who moved here from Florida about 15 yrs ago just returned to Santa Rosa Beach of all places, this morning, like 2 hrs ago! We sold their farm with blistering speed, they packed up and headed south to their fabulous new home. I agree also as a 2 plus hr drive is worth every mile to get the haircut that will offer no surprises! Wishing you a Happy Move!! It will all be good, trust me!

  58. Sharrie - February 25, 2022 3:25 pm

    My husband has always been particular about his hair, but he let me cut it way back when we were dating. I did well and he has had me as his barber since. Once I thought that maybe paying someone would give him a better haircut and so he went and paid $15 for a so-so haircut. I decided (at that time) that for $15 a pop, I could do just as good or better and I was right. I only ever messed his hair up a little bit once and that was when I was very pregnant. My oversized stomach bumped his arm when I had the clippers in my hand and it took out a small nick in his hairline. Oh well. Like my daddy says, “The only difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two weeks.)

  59. David S Doom - February 25, 2022 10:37 pm

    Over twenty years ago I lived outside of Birmingham and enjoyed the talented styling of Barbara the barber in Cahaba Heights. I hope she is still in business.

  60. Dee Thompson - February 25, 2022 11:52 pm

    When I was young I had crazy thick hair and I grew it long. Every time I got a haircut the stylist would charge me extra because it was so thick. Now I am 59 and it’s a lot thinner, thanks be to God. You’re right — when you find your soulmate-stylist, hang on to them! Here’s hoping you will find someone in Birmingham without too much trouble. If you go someplace like Great Clips, keep in mind they ONLY get paid in tips, no base salary.

  61. Tracy - February 26, 2022 4:00 am

    I love that you shared this. I too am a hairdresser of 37 years. I too have many clients since the beginning. It is hard to lose people when they move away (or move on to Heaven). There are so many relationships built through these hair cutting appointments. I know Wendy is blessed by your sweet acknowledgment of how you shared experiences through the years❤️❤️❤️

  62. Ginger Platt - February 26, 2022 11:32 pm

    Can’t believe you are leaving us!! Always hoped I would run into you somewhere in the Panhandle! Wishing y’all much happiness as you move up North!! Safe travels, much success and know we will always have a special place in our hearts for you!!

  63. Michael - February 28, 2022 1:49 pm

    Hey Sean my wife and I (Mrs Bedilia) why Birmingham? We moved to Alabama a couple years ago after 45 years in Pensacola, Jay, and Milton. To Daphne Al, just wondering cause it seems like your having a time letting go. Women am I right? Hope all goes well.

  64. Tawanah Fagan Bagwell - March 2, 2022 6:56 am

    You are so right about hanging onto a good hair stylist. I have had the same one for about 40 years! I don’t know what I will do when she retires.


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